The FIRST and ONLY Follow-Along Planche and Lever Workouts with Simonster Strength! This is as close as it gets to a personal training session with the world’s BEST calisthenics athlete in the world, in your home! Plus, Simon’s extensive background ensures that you’ll progress, regardless of where you start.
This Stall Bar Course can be used on its own to help you achieve a full-body workout, or, you can also use it in tandem with any fitness program to help improve athletic performance. Stall bars are used for conditioning the body for calisthenics skills such as human flag, pull-ups, handstand, press work, manna compression, and more.
This course will help to strengthen, mobilize, and stretch the parts of your body that feel the negative effects of sitting the most and will strategically have you moving in ways that counteract the position you take when working at a desk. Alleviate stiffness in the neck, shoulders, hips, and lower back.